Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda

Dior do kabelky (CZ)
18,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Raketový vzestup Christiana Diora do nejvyšších pater pařížského módního světa tvoří jeden z nejúžasnějších příběhů v dějinách módy. Dior - se zkušenostmi galeristy, moderní vizí a respektem k tradicím francouzské haute couture - vstoupil na scénu v roce 1947 jako tvůrce siluety new look a přinesl revoluční proměny do způsobů, jimiž se ženy oblékají, nakupují a vnímají samy sebe. ***** Kniha Dior do kabelky vypráví o mládí Christiana Diora, vzniku značky, která nese jeho jméno, triumfech sklízených na přehlídkových molech i na červených kobercích a vývoji, jímž firma prošla po smrti svého zakladatele. Odborně sestavený výběr fotografií, doplněný zasvěceným textem uznávané módní žurnalistky Karen Homerové, provází čtenáře po cestě, kterou dosud urazila značka symbolizující nádheru, vzrušení a ženskost.
Easy Upgrades Kitchens
14,73 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Trade paperback, Oxmoor House 2011 English 207 pages ISBN: 0848734726 ISBN-13: 9780848734725 In Easy Upgrades: Kitchens, readers get the kitchen they've always wanted at a price they can afford with help from the experts at This Old House, the most trusted name in home improvement. Easy Upgrades: Kitchens focuses on the way people remodel now-budget-conscious and user-friendly with upgrades that maximize comfort, utility, and home value. Using real-world examples rather than sky's-the-limit fantasy projects, Easy Upgrades helps readers solve their most frequent complaints about the spaces in their homes. From ...
Burlesque Poster Design
25,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Some are subtle as a fan dance, while others are saucy as twirling tassels, and they're all collected here—the finest, raunchiest, most teasing burlesque poster art, from the Follies Bergère of 1880 to the London Burlesque of 2008. More than 150 poster designs illustrate the history -of bumping and grinding, flirting and subverting. All graphic designers eager to study the evolution of this specific art form will find this collection essential.
Fashion Dictionary
51,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
An essential reference, The Fashion Directory covers hundreds of current fashion terms, techniques and details - from the types of embroidery or lace to definitions for clothing styles and stitching, from panniers and plackets to the difference between a batwing and a dolman sleeve. Appealing to students, designers or anyone who is interested in clothes, the book covers every conceivable item of clothing, from hats to heels, and also takes a closer look at adornment, unusual design features, cuffs and colours, embroidery, textiles, tailoring and trends. Providing an excellent resource book for the fashion student and fashionista alike, it is illustrated with unique images from fashion archives, along with technical line drawings and close-up photographs.
18,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
One of the most beautiful handcrafted typefaces in the world, Albertus is also one of the most enduring. The face of thousands of book jackets, and the chosen look for David Bowie, Coldplay, Star Wars and London street signs, Albertus is as as warmly enticing on film posters as it is on memorial plaques. The story of the font is one displacement (its designer Berthold Wolpe was a German Jewish refugee who went on to design the masthead for The Times), but also one of permanence, for it has proved a fresh, vibrant and indestructible face for almost a century. In this unique celebration, the designer's children reveal the history of its creation and the erratic brilliance of their father, while the book grapples with one of the fundamental artistic questions: what makes great art not only survive but flourish in each new age and medium?
The Package Design Book. Volume 2
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Package design is one of the most dynamic and fast-evolving fields of design today. Featuring over 600 creations from more than 35 countries, this compact edition celebrates extraordinary work from the global packaging design community. Showcasing the winners of the Pentawards from the past decade, the world’s leading packaging design competition. All Wrapped Up An international guide to award winning packaging design The field of package design never ceases to expand and innovate, making it one of the most vibrant, competitive, and fast-evolving areas in design today. It is influenced by various factors such as the consumer’s requirements, the ever-increasing marketing demands, evolving environmental policies, and the practice of adhering to the context of cultural aspects and diversity. By developing at such a demanding and rapid pace, package design encompasses many different elements and specialists, including designers, service providers, material suppliers, and printers. As a result, it has become a universe in itself. Pentawards has capitalized on this to create the most dynamic and diverse award in the field, which has existed for 15 years. The Pentawards sets a global benchmark for quality each year by scouting the area’s cleverest and most eclectic designs. The Package Design Book – Volume 2 presents winners from the past decade in celebrating packaging as a kaleidoscopic art form. It showcases not only the new and unexpected developments but also a clear vision of the evolution of the entire industry, especially in the areas of new materials and sustainability.
Fashion Illustration step by step
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Módní ilustrace je především o převedení myšlenky do reality. Jedná se o první krok k převedení nápadu do skutečného modelu. V této knize najdeme stovky módních ilustrací mnoha stylů a naučíme se postupně krok za krokem nakreslit svůj vlatní módní návrh.
Game Of Thrones: The Costumes
54,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Discover the secrets behind creating the costumes for HBO's Game of Thrones in this definitive guide. The official guide to the complete costumes of HBO s landmark television series Game of Thrones. Discover how BAFTA and Emmy Award-winning costume designer Michele Clapton dressed the heroes and villains of Westeros and beyond, including Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Jon Snow, and Arya Stark. One of 4 comprehensive and officially licensed Game of Thrones retrospective books from HarperVoyager. CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED peruse the best of the robes, gowns, coats, and suits of armor that made up the rich fabric of Westeros in Game of Thrones: The Costumes Vanity Fair LEARN HOW COSTUMES DEFINED CHARACTERS 440 pages of in-depth interviews and commentary on how costume design helped convey the evolution of George R.R. Martin s beloved characters such as Tyrion Lannister, Sansa Stark, and Brienne of Tarth. SEE EXCLUSIVE IMAGES AND DESIGNS Over 1,000 exclusive and rarely seen images including Michele Clapton s designs and original concept sketches. HEAR FROM THE SHOW S CREATORS Features an exclusive foreword from Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. AN EYECATCHING COFFEE TABLE BOOK Deluxe 9.75 × 13 inch format. A PERFECT GIFT FOR GAME OF THRONES FANS Perfectly timed for the holiday season, this gift will be cherished for a lifetime.
Velo City
51,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
For a cycling enthusiast, only the perfect bicycle will do. Enthusiasts adapt their creations to every terrain and every taste--from chic baroque bicycles with frivolous details to minimal city bikes; from remakes of classic cruisers to robust cargo bikes. Fully equipped SUV two-wheelers are ready to roam through rocky terrain, while the latest electric technologies are perfect for pushing tired muscles up the steepest climb. And don't forget the gear: independent companies are constantly releasing fashionable and functional equipment to satisfy any cyclist's needs. As one of the most sustainable, healthy, and economical means of transportation in today's metropolis, the bicycle has the power to change our future profoundly. Time to explore that future--come take a breath of fresh air with Velo 4th Gear!
Anatomy of Fashion
83,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Why do we dress the way we do? Why has fashion changed and evolved over the centuries? How did the 3-piece suit come about? Why have hemlines risen and fallen over time? In The Anatomy of Fashion, respected fashion commentator Colin McDowell goes beyond standard fashion histories and narrative surveys to answer these questions and many more. Uniquely structured, taking the reader through fashion and dress from head to toe - the whole body is anatomized into sections including 'The Body Unclothed'(Skin and Body Adornment, Materials and Texture, and Colour and Pattern), 'The Body Anatomized'('Head to Waist'and 'Hips to Feet'), and 'The Body Clothed'(Looks and Themes in Dress). Visually rich, with over 500 photographs, illustrations, paintings and film stills, the book includes work by designers and labels such as Ralph Lauren, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, Versace, Carhartt, Diesel and more. The book's dynamic structure and layout are equally suited for browsing and for serious reference, but The Anatomy of Fashion is not simply a picture book. It is a sourcebook by one of the world's leading fashion scholars that seeks nothing less than a thorough analysis of the roots of every aspect of fashion today.
Menu Design What's for Lunch ?
14,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
This is a superbly illustrated look at some of the most innovative and original menu designs from around the world. More than just a humble list of available dishes, the menu is a powerful marketing tool that can be invaluable in helping a business succeed. "Menu Design" brings together a stunning collection of some of the most original, attractive, and innovative menus from around the world, all of which have one thing in common - they attempt to portray the very spirit and soul of the restaurant.
Home Extended
23,66 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
The illustrated book Home Extended shows in more than 300 images the variety of extended residential architecture.
Playing the Game
47,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
This history of adidas, one of the world's most innovative global companies, looks beyond the trademark three stripes to show how the company grew and evolved over time. Founded in a small town in Bavaria, Germany, the adidas brand has, for nearly a century, been outfitting international sports stars and pop culture icons such as David Beckham, Zin dine Zidane, and Run-DMC as well as everyday men, women, and children across the globe. The story of this evolution--illustrated with numerous historic photographs--is entwined with history, corporate trends, and the emergence of sports as a major factor in the world economy. Starting with the beginnings of the original Dassler brothers' company in the time of the Weimar Republic and National Socialism, this book reveals the first academically-based look at the history of the family and the adidas company which was officially founded in 1949 after the brothers' separation. Using a worldwide range of sources, the authors also examine brand strategies and globalization since the 1960s. Since its beginnings, the name 'adidas' has been shrouded in legend and, in this special look at the rise of a global company, readers will learn the true story behind the brand.
Drape Drape 2
28,49 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
This is the follow-up to the cult Japanese draping book "Drape Drape" and the latest in the new series from Bunka Fashion College. It includes 14 stylish contemporary designs for tops, dresses, skirts, vests and jackets, with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions and diagrams that skillfully guide the reader through the draping process. With two full-scale patterns at the back, this book provides exciting design ideas and highly practical techniques for readers looking to continue exploring the art of draping.
The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters: A Guide to Creating, Quilting, and Living Courageously
26,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Forget step-by-step instructions and copycat designs. In The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters, Sherri Lynn Wood presents a spontaneous approach to quilting that breaks free of old paradigms

Podkategória Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda z kategórie Psychológia, etika je fascinujúcim priestorom, ktorý sa zaoberá vzťahom medzi psychológiou a vplyvom dizajnu, úžitkového umenia a módy na ľudskú psychiku a etiku. Tento web je určený všetkým, ktorí sa zaujímajú o túto vzájomnú interakciu a chcú si bližšie preštudovať jej súvislosti a dopady. Na webovej stránke nájdete informatívne články, ktoré sa venujú najnovším psychologickým výskumom a analýzam týkajúcim sa dizajnu, úžitkového umenia a módy. Bude sa tu podrobne skúmať, ako tieto aspekty ovplyvňujú našu psychiku, emócie, vnímanie a správanie sa. Napríklad články o farbách, tvaroch a materiáloch môžu vysvetliť, ako tieto prvky v dizajne a módnom oblečení môžu zmeniť našu náladu, sebavedomie a pocity. Okrem toho bude na webe zdieľané aj pozitívne účinky dizajnu, úžitkového umenia a módy na našu psychickú pohodu a zdravie. Poradenské články vám môžu poskytnúť tipy, ako si zlepšiť prostredie pomocou dizajnu a umeleckých prvkov a ako sa oblečením vyjadriť a cítiť sa lepšie. Ďalšou dôležitou súčasťou webu budú etické aspekty týkajúce sa dizajnu, úžitkového umenia a módy. Budeme sa zaoberať otázkami, ako je udržateľnosť, etická výroba a sociálne dôsledky módy a dizajnu. Informácie o udržateľných materiáloch, fair trade a etických značkách vám umožnia robiť informované rozhodnutia a vyhľadávať produkty, ktoré sú v súlade s vašimi hodnotami. Na webovej stránke nájdete tiež fotogalérie s príkladmi zaujímavého dizajnu, úžitkového umenia a módnych trendov. Tieto vizuálne inšpirácie môžu poslúžiť ako podnety pre vlastné tvorivé projekty a vyjadrenie svojej osobnosti a myšlienok skrze dizajn a módu. Veríme, že tento web vám poskytne ucelený pohľad na vzťah medzi psychológiou, etikou, dizajnom, úžitkovým umením a módnymi trendmi. Pomôže vám lepšie porozumieť, ako tieto oblasti ovplyvňujú náš každodenný život a ako ich môžete využiť na zlepšenie svojho mentálneho a emocionálneho blahobytu.


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IKAR Zdobení dortů
27,90 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
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JVD Nástěnné hodiny HX9229.4
14,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Mária a čarovný prsteň - Simone Sophie Stewart
2,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Řád sladkého sněhuláka - Ivona Březinová
9,49 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Girl in Snow - Danya Kukafka, Simon & Schuster
24,23 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Krev pro divoženku - Sněgoňová Kristýna
22,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
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Zľava 4%
A rend
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Uvedená cena je platná k 25.07.2024
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Pánske hodinky TOMMY HILFIGER 1791786 PATRICK (zf096a)
166,92 €
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Uvedená cena je platná k 25.07.2024
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